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#19 JULIE PERGAN Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

#19 Julie Pergan06.jpg

#19 JULIE PERGAN Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks

Just another 220+ buck from the Island. Ho hum, what's the big deal? Writing this, it almost feels as if looking at a buck like this is just so "normal". Now that's sick! Julie's buck is a true monster that is 10 points on his left and 8 points on his right. With this post, Julie is also established as the top scoring woman hunter in the SRI Top 100. Congrats Julie, that is quite an accomplishment. Julie came out with her husband Chester for this hunt. Chester also shot a great buck-- a 8x9 29.375" buck that scored 205.25 SCI. It's crazy to think that Chester's buck didn't make the SRI Top 100, but that that just goes to show you how great the mule deer hunting was out there for many years.

Julie and Chester came only this one time, but they certainly utilized their short time on Santa Rosa Island well. This buck has double eyeguards, and some very cool teardrop tines on his right antler. You can tell from the photo that it was harvested early in the day, prior to the rise of the sun over the horizon. Like many places, these bucks were most active during the early morning and late evening hours. The fact that Julie shot this buck in Windmill Canyon with Chad was also advantageous since this canyon is relatively close to headquarters.

Congratulations Julie, you shot a trophy of a lifetime with MUM on Santa Rosa Island!

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