#56 MIKE PASSAGLIA Top 100 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Bucks
Mike was another long-time client for us on Santa Rosa Island, He came numerous times, and even brought his wife and his dad out there. This buck has a tremendous frame. He also has bladed eyeguards, which adds some cool charater to him. If my memory serves me correctly, my father Wayne, who was guiding on this hunt, and Mike saw this buck in a fairly open area near Skunk Point. Once the buck felt exposed, he took off for some heavy cover in the Old Ranch region. Wayne being a great guide, and Mike being a great marksman, they outwitted this buck and got this awesome buck. As you can tell from the backdrop of this photo, this buck very nearly got to some escape cover. This was another buck that was taken in 2003, the first really great deer hunting season we had. Every time a buck would come into camp during that year, we all kept asking ourselves, " Where are all these big bucks coming from, and can it continue?" Well, it continued until 2011 when it was ended prematurely by outside forces. We are confident we could have provided great hunting of these bucks and the Roosevelt elk for near eternity if we would have been allowed to continue the program we initiated on Santa Rosa Island.