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#84 Santa Rosa Island Mule Deer Buck -- John Riggs

#84 JOHN RIGGS 208.875 SCI

This buck was taken on the last day of the hunt. For most of the hunt John was guided by Wesley Kent, but since hunting was hard Gordy took over for the last morning while Wes continued to guide John's wife Dori. If you have kept up with MUM over the years, you might recognize this buck from one of our iconic pictures taken on the island. We believe there were 16 bucks in the picture and this one was the third from the right. The photo was taken in August 2006 at Skunk Point. The buck was harvested in November of the the same year several miles from where that picture was taken. John hunted with us numerous times over the years and this was his largest deer. John lives in New York and on several occassions drove from New York to Santa Babara to hunt the Island. On one occassion he packed the meat in his vehicle for the drive home using dry ice. As he came over Eisenhower Point in Colorado he almost passed out due to the lack of oxygen from the high elevation and dry ice. This is the best picture of the buck that we had, normally Gordy wouldn't post the picture with him in it.

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